

Tg. Jiu

The National Heritage Institute, in a partnership with the “Alexandru Ștefulescu” Gorj County Museum, the “Spiru Haret” National College of Târgu Jiu, the Vâlcea County “Aurelian Sacerdoțeanu” Museum – the Museum Complex Măldărești began to develop the cultural education programme, funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund – AFCN: “A forgotten architectural project – Romania’s old kulas. Past and future ” – THE KULAS.


Tg. Jiu event flyer
The project aimed at various events: exhibition, round table: both were carried out at the County Museum of Târgu Jiu on 26 September 2013, a documentary trip (27 September) and a contest (30 September) whose subject was the kulas.

Read more: Tg. Jiu


The National Heritage institute and “Aurelian Sacerdoţeanu” Vâlcea County Museum – Măldăreşti Museum Complex, “Alexandru Ştefulescu” Gorj County Museum, “Spiru Haret” National High School of Târgu Jiu, have co-operatively continued a cultural education project financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund – AFCN titled „Un program arhitectural dispărut – Culele din România. Trecut și perspective” - KULE (“A forgotten architectural project – Romania’s old kulas. Past and future” – THE KULAS).


Măldărești event flyer


The 2nd phase of the project that took place on the 22nd of October 2013 covered two events: the formal opening ceremony of the exhibition and the round table, both located in the Măldăreşti Museum Complex, on the premises of Vâlcea County Museum.

Read more: Măldărești

Institutul Național al Patrimoniului         Administrația Fondului Cultural Național