On the property of Budisteanu boyars, village Budeasa Mare, 56/59 Bisericii street, commune Budeasa, Arges county.
From Road 73 that connects Pitesti to Campulung, take a turn after the signpost indicating “Campu Mare” to the left, then drive for about 5 km, or coming from Road 7C connecting Pitesti to Curtea de Arges, and then after Bascov take a turn after the signpost indicating “Budeasa Mare” to the left.
Not a public monument.
One of the first construction phases has been attached by tradition to Captain Pană of Budeasa, who served under Prince Michael the Brave, in 1598 (?). The second phase dates from the period 1762-1764, when the great Lord Provost Serban Budisteanu rebuilt the old house. In 1870, general Alexandru Budisteanu repaired the building and made some changes. Over 1922-1927, Dimitrie Budisteanu extended the house with an important building, developed towards the back of the original kula. An inscription above the entrance said: “The Budisteni House of Budeasa”. Built by Captain Pană of Budeasa, during the reign of Prince Mavrocordat, Repaired by General Alexandru Budisteanu, Restored by Dumitru A. Budisteanu”. By tradition, the house is believed to have hosted King Carol the 12th of Sweden, during his trip to Pitesti, in October-November 1714.
The house is made up of the old wing, which was rebuilt over 1762-1764, plus the extensions that were erected over 1922-1927. The old building is compact and rectangular, with an access way located on the outside of the building, on the West side. The ground floor includes a hall with some access stairs leading upstairs and a living room. The ground floor contains also the basements, with a separate access leading outside. One of these is covered with a cylindrical vault made of brick, unlike all the other rooms that have wooden floors. This basement is equipped with embrasures. Due to the constructive system which is different from the rest of the house, it may date from the first building phase, namely the late 16th century. A number living rooms are to be found on the upper floor. There is a watch tower over the access on the ground floor. The extension runs towards the back of the old house, through a long and narrow building comprised of a ground floor and a first floor, having an access on the short side, from the East. The access way is marked by a watch tower on the upper floor.
The access to the old building is decorated with the family’s coat of arms and medallions featuring the initials of the founders. A middle girdle surrounds the old building.
The village, which lies on the property belonging to Budisteanu boyars, was first mentioned in a document in 1526. The buildings of Budisteanu boyars were erected in the 16th century. For the time being, the whole compound is made up of Budisteanu Mansion, the park, the outbuildings of the mansion and the ruins of the old mansion. The Budisteanu property lies near “Adormirea Maicii Domnului” Church, built during 1796- 1804 by the Budisteanu brothers: the great provost Serban and Lord Seneschal Nicolae, on the exact spot where an old wooden church had been built before. The Budisteanu boyars are buried in the narthex of the church. Old stone crosses, dating from the 17th century can be seen in the church graveyard.
The monument to the heroes of the village Budeasa, who were killed in the second world war, lies in front of the church.
Cernovodeanu Paul I., Popescu Paula, Historic monuments of the village Budeasa (The district and region of Pitesti), RMM, No. I, 1958
Creteanu Radu, Creteanu Sarmiza, The Kulas of Romania, Meridiane Publishing House, Bucharest, 1969.
Ghika Budesti Nicolae, The Evolution of architecture in Muntenia and Oltenia, Part 4th, The new style of the 18th style, BCMI, Year XXIX part 87-90, 1936
Ionescu Grigore, Architecture on the Romanian territories along the centuries, Academiei Publishing House, R.S.R, Bucharest, 1982
Zamora Luiza, Kulas, fortified boyars’ houses of Romania, Igloo Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007
The archive of the National Institute of Heritage